Tuesday, June 25, 2024

🔥 Turn Up The Heat 🔥



Are you ready to heat things up?


These authors are serving up some steamy stories for your reading pleasure. Click the link below to check out these 🌶️ reads!



Friday, June 21, 2024

Currently Reading - Enforcer by Samantha Whiskey



I've got three months to prove to her this fake relationship is real....

As the Seattle Sharks' number one Enforcer, nothing means more to me than hockey. I live and breathe the game.

But when my short-temper gets me into one too many late night brawls, coach threatens to bench me if I don't clean up my act. It'll take more than me changing my nightlife habits - the media needs this bad boy to go good.

Paige Turner - the gorgeous, off-limits best friend of my bro's fiancee - has the solution. About to take over as acting CEO of her family's multi-billion-dollar corporation, she'll have to sign a morality clause basically kissing any wild-life she wanted goodbye. Her proposition?

I, Rory Jackson - the panty dropper and bed hopper of the Sharks - give her an exclusive relationship for three entire months. Her wholesome image will only brighten my dark one in the press' eyes, and I can help her check off some wicked naughty tasks on her very specific dirty-girl bucket list.

If I screw up and get arrested again, she'll lose everything she's worked her entire life for, but what terrifies me most? At the end of the three months, I won't want to let her go, and with that morality clause, she can't keep me.



Friday, June 14, 2024

Review - The Honeymoon Crashers by Christina Lauren


This is the first book I've read by Christina Lauren, but it won't be my last. There were several times while listening to this audio book where I laughed out loud.


I loved Amy right from the start. Her love for her sister was endearing as was her willingness to jump on a plane short notice to plan her sister's dream wedding.


Brody took a little more getting used to. At first, he came across as a laid back surfer who couldn't take anything seriously. But as the story continued, he grew on me.


These two were opposites in many ways on the surface, but in the end they balanced each other out well.

If you're looking for a fun, short, romance, check out The Honeymoon Crashers by Christina Lauren.

