Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Finding Writing Time #WriterWednesday

I've been publishing novels for the last ten years and writing stories for about twelve. The biggest challenge for me is finding time to write and I know that's a struggle for many authors and aspiring authors.


When I first started writing, I used to stay up till one or two o'clock in the morning typing away at my keyboard. That worked well for me until my husband transitioned from working for someone else to working for himself. This required a major shift for me and meant that I would not only have less time to write, but also that I couldn't stay up until all hours of the night either.


After years of trial and error, I've realized the biggest thing is consistency. 


Oh, and don't worry about what other writers are doing. You do you. 


Can't carve out three hours to write every day? That's okay. If writing for thirty minutes a day is all you can do, then do it. 



The important thing is getting those words in. I know authors who get up early in the morning before their kids wake up just so they can write. There are others who hold down a full time job and spend their lunch breaks huddled in a corner with their laptops.


For me, I've found the best time to write these days comes in the morning. Before I even eat my breakfast, I sit down on the couch with my laptop and write for at least thirty minutes. Some days I get 1,000 words in. Other days I'm lucky to get 500. Either way, I've made progress that's working toward my goal of finishing the book. For me, that's a win.


Is there a specific time of day when you like to write?

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