Tuesday, October 15, 2024

What Might Have Been Excerpt


At five thirty, they returned to where their day had begun. Trent pulled into the same spot and put the truck in park. “Thanks for going with me today. Let Max know I’ll go over my notes and have a proposal to him by Friday.” 

“No problem. It was .. . educational.” 

He grinned. “Just what a man wants to hear after spending the day with a woman.” 

Abby chuckled and reached for the door. The longer she stayed the more she longed for things to be the way they were before. “Have a good night, Trent.” 

“Same to you, Abby.” 

She walked over to her car and unlocked the door. It didn’t escape her notice that he was still sitting in his truck, probably watching her. His mom used to stand on the front porch and watch her walk home. Even though Abby’s house was only three doors down, Marilyn Daniels would wait until she saw Abby walk through the door to her house before going back inside. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree, not with any of the Daniels boys. 

Once she was behind the wheel of her vehicle, Abby checked her phone. She had a text from Max.  

Call me when you get home. - Max 

Abby shook her head. What would she do with all these overprotective men in her life? 


Get Trent and Abby's Story 

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