Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tuesday Teasers - Read/Share Excerpts

Welcome to Tuesday Teasers!

This is a weekly post giving authors the opportunity to share a 100 word excerpt from a published work, or a work in progress (WIP).

Just a few simple rules.

1. Go to your blog and post an excerpt (Please limit your excerpt to no more than 100 words).
2. In the comments below, post a link to the excerpt on your blog.
 3. At the beginning of your comment, please list the title of the book, your author name, genre, and a buy link. (This will help readers find excerpts from the books that would be of most interest to them.) For example:

Trust (Finding Anna, Book 4) by Sherri Hayes

It was my turn to sigh. I was trying very hard not to lose my temper.
“It’s about time, Coleman.”
Jade elbowed Cal. “Stop it.”
“What’s going on?”
Cal didn’t move, but Jade did. She slipped a key card into the door and opened it.
Not knowing what was going on, but figuring the sooner I got inside the sooner I would get my answers, I stepped over the threshold and into the room. Three seconds later, I stopped breathing.

4.  Authors only 1 excerpt per week, please. 
5. At the end of your blog post, please include "Check out more Tuesday Teasers at http://sherri-hayes.blogspot.com/2014/07/tuesday-teasers-readshare-excerpts.html."


  1. Fireworks by Lindsey Gray
    Contemporary Romance novels
    buy link: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DGGIZUM
    Tuesday Teasers link: http://lindsey-gray.blogspot.com/2014/07/tuesday-teasers-fireworks.html

  2. Angel's Heart: The Keeper by Lisa Bilbrey
    Paranormal/ Romance
    Buy Link: http://www.amazon.com/Angels-Heart-Keeper-Lisa-Bilbrey-ebook/dp/B00HC03FLM/ref=la_B0073U40XI_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1406046144&sr=1-3
    Tuesday Teasers Link: http://lisabilbrey.blogspot.com/2014/07/tuesday-teasers_22.html
