Monday, August 11, 2014

Tuesday Teasers - Read/Share Excerpts

Welcome to Tuesday Teasers!

This is a weekly post giving authors the opportunity to share a 100 word excerpt from a published work, or a work in progress (WIP).

Just a few simple rules.

1. Go to your blog and post an excerpt (Please limit your excerpt to no more than 100 words).
2. In the comments below, post a link to the excerpt on your blog.
 3. At the beginning of your comment, please list the title of the book, your author name, genre, and a buy link. (This will help readers find excerpts from the books that would be of most interest to them.) For example:

Crossing The Line (Daniels Brothers #3) by Sherri Hayes
Contemporary Romance

As Paul sat in the darkened kitchen eating the soup he knew Megan most
likely made just for him, he considered his options. He still didn’t think he
was good enough for her—or anyone, for that matter—but although Megan
knew what he’d done, she didn’t seem to agree. Could he give a
relationship with her a chance? Would it work, or was he setting them both
up for failure? He was thirty-six years old. She was twenty-three. Did they

even want the same things?

4.  Authors only 1 excerpt per week, please. 
5. At the end of your blog post, please include "Check out more Tuesday Teasers at"

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