Friday, April 23, 2021

Next On My To Be Read List - Condemned by Marianne Morea #FridayReads

 It's been a slow reading week for me. I finished up The First 100 Kisses by Danielle Bannister (click HERE to read that review), and then live got busy.


I've been looking for some new authors to read lately, and a friend recommended Marianne Morea to me. A lot of her books are shifter romances, which are not generally my cup of tea. But, I do love me a good vampire romance and when I saw Condemned I knew I had to give it a try.


Condemned to a life alone.

Born to darkness in a time when crusades raged between battling faiths, Dominic De’Lessep is taken prisoner of the blood. Cursed for spurning his maker for delivering him to an existence devoid of light, she condemns him to a life alone, where anyone he dared love, dies.

A millennium later, revenge is all he wants, that is until he meets Belinda Force, a fiery student of antiquities who knows him for what he is and what he plans to do.

Can love break a thousand year old curse?

Perilously drawn to this mysterious stranger, Belinda ignores the danger in his eyes and the icy touch that makes her body burn. She cannot deny her deep connection to the man and his quest or his raging need for her...even if it kills her. Can true love break the curse that’s held him for a thousand years?






If you've read Condemned by Marianne Morea, leave me a comment below with what you thought of it.

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