Today's post is from Romantic Suspense author Andrea Goodson.

I love meeting new people and connecting with my readers! Find me online!
You can view, sample, and purchase Riverbend on Kindle, Paperback on Amazon, and all eBook formats on Smashwords. The second book, Rapid Wateris due for release on Dec. 15, 2012
1. Who's your favorite author, and why?
This is almost impossible for me to answer. There are so many authors whose work I adore. From Romantic Suspense to Young Adult to Fantasy to Chrsitian Fiction, there are countless whose books have changed my outlook on life. If I had to choose an absolute favorite it would be the author who first inspired my soul to dream of life in another time and place. Lucy Maud Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables was the first book that I lost myself in as a child. Without her work, I may have never aspired to be an author.
2. If you could have a conversation with one of the characters in your most-recently released novel, which one would it be and why?
Lena Woodruff from Riverbend. She is strong, bold, and unforgiving of herself. I would love the chance to tell her that life isn't supposed to be easy and she should just give herself a break!
3. Where do you get the ideas and inspiration for your characters personalities?
My characters personalities are a blend of traits from many people I have encountered throughout my life. A favorable character might get the traits that I most appreciated from a handful of people I have known, while the villians get the worst!
4. What is the best thing (in your opinion) about being a writer?
Daydreaming, imagining, and thinking up stories. Coming up with plots and characters functions as a great stress reliever from the everyday havoc of the real world.
5. How did you find your agent/publisher?
This is actually a long story. I will keep it short and sweet for you. I sent countless query letters out with little to no response. I almost gave up after weeks and weeks of frustration. My child, who has been battling Dyslexia, was having great difficulty with some homework one night. She had been crying and was ashamed and embarassed that she was having such a hard time completing her work. My exact words to her were, "You can accomplish anything you set your mind to as long as you have the motivation. Don't ever give up. Nothing is impossible. You are smart and you have ambition.You can do this!" She looked back at me and said, "Then why don't you just publish your book yourself?" I was speechless and instantly realized that to be an effective parent and successful in my own attempts, I needed to practice what I preached. After a few days of research and reading, I made the decision to self publish. I am very happy with my decision. It gives me control over my book's marketing and promotion while keeping me very involved with my readers. Also, it has impacted my daughter in an amazing way. She suddenly developed a love for reading that was not there before and has started an idea journal of thoughts for her own stories!
6. What's the best piece of writing advice you've been given?
"Love it or leave it." Writing is fun for me and there is nothing I would rather do. Someone told me once that if it begins to feel like too much of a job that I shouldn't do it. I now see why. Although I absolutely love writing, editing and marketing are an entirely different story. I don't necessarily dislike them, but they are not exactly loads of fun. So, you must love writing enough to make the rest of the work involved worth it. For me the benefits always outweigh the downfalls.
7. Biggest mistake you've made as an author?
I published my first novel before attempting to build any kind of website, platform, or fan base. I didn't even have a Twitter at the time. A novel isn't going to get read very much if nobody knows that it was even published! I spent a great deal of time doing what I can only describe as "back up" posting.
Holiday-themed questions:
1. What would the lead character of your latest novel want for Christmas?
At this point in the story (Riverbend is book one in a trilogy), all Lena would want is a one way ticket to Georgia!
2. Favorite Christmas music?
Anything instrumental, piano, or Trans-Siberian Orchestra!
3. What was the best gift you ever received?
My laptop. It was the first tool I used to begin research for my first book.
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