I wanted to take a moment and wish everyone a happy holiday season. I hope it’s full of joy, peace, and love for you and your family.
I’m most grateful this year for the wonderful new friends I’ve made. Though I may never meet some of you in person, you’ve touched my heart. It’s a wonderful gift I’ll always cherish.
Best wishes for a happy New Year,

Happy holidays. Thank you for reading and supporting the publishing industry (be it self publishing, Indie publishing, or traditional publishing) this year.
To all my readers, especially those who count themselves among my new fans, here's wishing you a Joyous Happy Holidays.
My gift to you are the words of one of my favorite traditional Christmas Songs, I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day:
"Then pealed the bells more loud and deep. God is not dead, nor does He sleep. The wrong shall fail, the right prevail. With peace on earth, goodwill to men."
Peace and Blessings,
L. V. Lewis
Wishing all of my readers, fans, and fellow authors a joyous and wonderful New Year. This season, give the gift of yourself to the world. Encourage others, make a difference, help when you can, and most importantly, believe in yourself! As I like to say, "Be The Light"!
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all!
Andrea Goodson
As 2012 ends and we reflect on the year that has gone just before, I think with joy on my blessings and hope such joy pervades your holiday season, too. From me and mine to you and yours, sincere wishes for the very best in 2013 and always. Remember that you are of great worth and are the center of someone's world.
~Sandi Layne
"God bless us, every one!" - Tiny Tim in Dickens' *A Christmas Carol*
Looking back on 2012, I'm so grateful to you who are readers - thank you for your support and encouragement. To you who are fellow authors - it's been a blast taking this journey with you. And to both who've also become friends - I can't imagine my life without you! :-)
Wishing you joy and peace this holiday season,
T.M. Franklin
My first book, Hidden Threat, was released on
December 31, 2010. A lot has changed for me in the last two years. I’ve learned a lot, and have met some amazing people along the way. I want to wish everyone a wonderful holiday, and thank you for your support.
Sherri Hayes
As I look back at 2012, I have to say thank you to my readers for the support they have shown me. Their encouragement gave me the confidence to publish in the first place, so thank you for continuing to support my writing! I'm also grateful to the author friends I've made. I've learned, and continue to learn, so much from all of you. Have a blessed and joyous Christmas!
Peace and Love,
Sydney Logan
Every year my family and I send out letters that detail those very things that went wrong during the year. (Don't you just hate those holiday letters where everyone and everything are perfect?!? -- please see www.allredgreetings.blogspot.com and you will feel much better about yourself!) Ahh. But the truth is, we are blessed. Every time I open the newspaper, we are reminded of this. As we head into the new year, it is my fondest wish that dreams come true but even better ... you discover what your dream is and GO FOR IT!
I hope that you all end this year on a safe, healthy, happy note and ring in the new year with great ambition! Thank you to everyone for your support, love and laughter.
Alexandra Allred :)
Happy Holidays! Thanks for making 2012 the year I decided to push the envelope. I couldn't have done it without my Village.
Angel Lawson
May this year pass us by with a smile on our faces and heads held high. May the New Year bring you joy, happiness, and a world full of adventure. May you keep your loved ones close, and your enemies in your prayers. Now is a time to be joyful and full of love. Let's show the world that we too can stand up and say with a full heart, may He be present in our lives now...tomorrow...and forever.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
God Bless,
~ Allie Jean
Holidays can mean different thing to all of us. Recent events have taught us how precious our time is on this planet. Never take for granted a single day to tell those people closest to you how much you love and care about them. I was estranged from my mother for years, due to stubbornness on both of our parts. I was lucky. One nondescript Sunday morning, something told me to put aside whatever had come between us, and go visit her. We spent just an hour together, and I'll admit it was tense and we didn't really speak. I gave her an awkward hug and told her I loved her before I left her house that chilly September morning. I got the call around 5pm, that night, that she had passed away sometime in the afternoon. We spend so much of our holidays rushing around looking for gifts, and attending mundane parties, that we lose sight of how important the holidays are supposed to be. Take time to hug a loved one, sing Christmas Carols, read 'Twas The Night Before Christmas, or The Christmas Story, reflect on the past year, exchange gifts, but do it with the ones you love and mean the most to you. We only get one turn on this merry-go-round, so cherish the ride. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to every one of our family, friends, and fans.
Robert S. Fuller Jr
Merry Christmas Everyone!
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