I'm participating in an Author to Author Blog Hop. From December 5th through December 20th, participating authors will be guest posting on each other's blogs. We've all banned together and donated at least one book, and at the end of the blog hop one lucky person will win a collection of books. What a great Christmas present, right?
Today's post is from YA/Adult author N.K. Smith.
Based in the American Midwest, N.K. Smith is a Technical Writer for a Fortune 100 company. The author of the Old Wounds Series, she is a mother of two who finds the time to write very early in the morning when the rest of the world is still fast asleep.
An avid lover of history, art, music, books, and people, she is interested in telling stories that speak to the human condition.
1. Who's your favorite author, and why?
I hate to be a party pooper, but I can’t answer this. There are too many fine novelists out there to pick just one. I wish I could narrow down to even just one genre I like over the other, but I cannot. In high school, I couldn’t get enough of Steinbeck and Shakespeare, but I’m not sure I’d call them my favorites right now. The world of literature is incredibly diverse and populated by people who have such beautiful stories to tell that it would be a disservice to name just one as my favorite.
2. If you could have a conversation with one of the characters in your most-recently released novel, which one would it be and why?
I would talk to Henry from Ghosts of Our Pasts because he’s my favorite. We’d have tea and probably some veggies and hummus after doing a bit of yoga. We’d talk about various topics, but mostly about philosophy, deep breathing, and the power of thought.
3. Where do you get the ideas and inspiration for your characters personalities?
The characters usually just appear in my mind. Sometimes it’s just a glimpse of them, other times it’s the full character, complete with nervous tics and backstories. I think it’s my subconscious taking tiny bits and pieces of those around me, mushing them together, and pushing out a brand new person who has a story to tell.
4. What is the best thing (in your opinion) about being a writer?
The best thing about being a writer is being able to get the characters’ stories out. They pester me until I sit down and let them have a voice. It’s freeing and entertaining to get to know them Equally as awesome is connecting with people all over the world who love reading and meeting new characters.
5. How did you find your agent/publisher?
I was lucky. They found me.
6. What's the best piece of writing advice you've been given?
Just keep swimming. It wasn’t exactly writing-specific, but I think it applies. No matter how much I might want to give up on a scene or a character, I just keep writing. Eventually I break through the block, remove the barrier, or finish the manuscript.
7. Biggest mistake you've made as an author?
There are a lot of things I’d do differently, but I wouldn’t call them mistakes. I’d call them learning opportunities.
Holiday-themed questions:
1. What would the lead character of your latest novel want for Christmas?
The lead male character I’m writing at the moment would want two tickets to Anfield to watch Liverpool Football Club play.
2. Favorite Christmas music?
The kind I don’t hear. Okay, fine, my favorite is O, Holy Night!, but I like Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer as well because my kids love it, and I like to change the words so they’re the hero of the story.
3. What was the best gift you ever received?
The best gift I’ve ever received didn’t happen at the holidays. I won’t say it’s my children, because it’s cliché and goes without saying. The best gift I’ve ever received was when I worked for a beachside bed and breakfast and my husband and I were broke. The normally abrasive chef asked me what was wrong. I told him. He reached into his pocket, pulled out all the money he had on him, and handed it to me. He said that he’d been where I was, and he and his wife made a promise to each other that when they could, they’d help someone else out when they needed it. Now, it wasn’t a huge sum of money. It was $15, but the meaning behind it affected me deeply. It was the gift that kept on giving long after the money was spent. It’s still giving something special to me each time I remember there are good people out there who want nothing in return for their assistance. It’s helped shape my worldview and helped me see to the core of people.
Fun Fact about me: I love connecting with people who love to read, so come visit me on Facebook ( www.facebook.com/NKSmithAuthor ), on Twitter (@NKSmithWrites), on GoodReads ( www.goodreads.com/author/show/5358547.N_K_Smith ), and my blog ( nksmithauthor.blogspot.com )
Buy N.K.Smith books here: http://ph.thewriterscoffeeshop.com/authors/detail/10
The Author to Author Blog Hop is hosting a giveaway for a prize package of eBooks from our contributing authors. Enter below, and the winner will be notified by e-mail. You have a chance to enter every day on any of the participating author's blogs - so keep checking back. (Note: eBooks labeled 18+ will not be awarded to a winner under the age of 18.)
a Rafflecopter giveaway

When a free-spirited new girl with a troubled past moves in across the street, Adam's eyes are opened to a new world of possibilities. Olivia Cartwright’s philosophies on life give her a deeper understanding of the world. An instant connection between Adam and Olivia draws them closer, but he wonders why anyone would choose him when a better version exists, particularly when Aaron also takes an interest in her.
Adam has a choice to make: risk his friendship with Olivia or fight for something more.
It seems Adam has a lot to learn about love....and life.
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