I'm participating in an Author to Author Blog Hop. From December 5th through December 20th, participating authors will be guest posting on each other's blogs. We've all banned together and donated at least one book, and at the end of the blog hop one lucky person will win a collection of 13 books, and if we reach 2,000 enteries, we are adding a second winner to the mix. What a great Christmas present, right?
Today's post is from Adult Paranormal/YA Contemporary/New Adult Romance author Angel Lawson.
Angel Lawson lives with her family in Atlanta and has a lifelong
obsession with creating fiction from reality, either with paint or words. On a
typical day you can find her writing, reading, plotting her escape from the zombie
apocalypse and trying to get the glitter out from under her nails.
1. Who's your favorite author, and why? Impossible to answer question. I've always been a fan of Stephen King and Barbara Kingsolver. I love Harry Potter and the world building and I'm currently rereading The Hunger Games for the third time and even though I know the outcome I'm still on the edge of my seat.
2. If you could have a conversation with one of the characters in your most-recently released
novel, which one would it be and why? Ruby, because we could talk about zombies and going to Comic Con.
novel, which one would it be and why? Ruby, because we could talk about zombies and going to Comic Con.
3. Where do you get the ideas and inspiration for your characters personalities? I try to think about what I know or what I want to learn about. This summer a trip to the beach my family has always visited (since my mother was a child) prompted a story I never realized was in my head. Right now I'm drawing on my past as a caseworker and some of the grittier details from that period of my life. But I also love researching new things. Airstream trailers, Parkour, palmistry.

5. How did you find your agent/publisher? I queried for about 6 months and got either form letter rejections, a couple of requests and very little feedback. During that time I started looking more and more into Self-publishing and it really seemed like the best fit for me and my personality.
6. What's the best piece of writing advice you've been given? Always write. Keep writing. And then write some more.
7. Biggest mistake you've made as an author? I wish I'd done a bit better editing job on my first book. It had some mistakes that I've gone back and fixed. I hate reading reviews where it comments them. I was overwhelmed though and had read it so many times. At some point you have to trust those working with you. I think at this point I've set up a pretty good system to catch errors. I hope.
Holiday-themed questions:
1. What would the lead character of your latest novel want for Christmas? Probably the assurance of a ghost free Christmas. Oh, and to make out with Connor.
2. Favorite Christmas music? Feed the World-BandAid. I loved Duran Duran. My best friend and I had a whole dance to the song with hand movements. Very Napoleon Dynamite.
3. What was the best gift you ever received? Ugh. I have no idea. I remember getting Barbie Townhouse one year. Oh and a doll that you could put in the bathtub. My mom told me it was too expensive and I couldn't have one. Santa to the rescue!
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