I'm participating in an Author to Author Blog Hop. From December 5th through December 20th, participating authors will be guest posting on each other's blogs. We've all banned together and donated at least one book, and at the end of the blog hop one lucky person will win a collection of 13 books. What a great Christmas present, right?
Today's post is from Paranormal Romance author Lissa Bryan.

Lissa Bryan is an astronaut, renowned Kabuki actress,
Olympic pole vault gold medalist, Iron Chef champion, and scientist who
recently discovered the cure for athlete's foot.... though only in her head.
Real life isn't so interesting, which is why she spends most of her time
1. Who's your favorite author, and why?
Asking an avid
reader to name one favorite author is like asking a parent to pick a favorite
child. There are so many authors I love, and they all taught me something about
writing. But the one that sticks out for me is Emily Brontë. Wuthering Heights is an amazing novel.
Every word—even the names— she selected to convey the proper mood for the
scenes, and Brontë made every line a poem. I’m not that skilled and I probably
never will be, but I try to follow her example in choosing words that enhance
the mood I want to convey.
2. If you could have a conversation with one
of the characters in your most-recently released novel, which one would it be
and why?
I would pick Seth
Fortner from Ghostwriter. He was a
man both haunted and haunting, terribly damaged by his experiences in WWI, but
as Sara says in the novel, he had a sweet poet’s soul.
They seem to grow
organically. A story begins in my mind with the simple question, “What if…?” As
the story develops, so do the characters who tell it. They start as faint
outlines, but as I get to know them, they seem to become people with a mind of
their own, who sometimes steer the story in a different direction than I
intended. And most of the time, they’re right.
4. What is the best
thing (in your opinion) about being a writer?
Sharing with others these
characters who have lived in my mind for so many years. There’s no greater
reward than seeing people love the characters I’ve created.
5. How did you find
your agent/publisher?
They found me,
actually. I was writing fanfiction, having made the startling discovery that
other people re-write books and movies, too and there are massive online
communities dedicated to it. One of my stories became popular and that brought
me to the publisher’s attention. They contacted me and asked if I’d ever
considered writing a novel.
I’d never thought
being published was a possibility. I thought that only happened by sending out
hundreds of manuscripts and facing the inevitable rejection. I’m not bold
enough or thick-skinned enough for that, and I was content with just letting my
stories out “into the wild.” And then that email came and everything changed
for me.
6. What's the best
piece of writing advice you've been given?
I used to correspond
with a published author and she gave me the best advice I’ve been given. She
told me that every scene, every line, every word must drive the plot forward, or
reveal something important about the characters. If it can be cut without
affecting the story line, you should delete it.
This is difficult,
to say the least. Writers tend to be in love with their own words, which is
great because that passion shines through to the reader. But we have to look at
our own work with a critical eye. However beautifully written, a scene that
doesn’t drive the plot forward is dead weight.
In Ghostwriter, I had a long scene about
the anarchist bombings of 1919. I really liked it, but it didn’t survive the
first round of edits. I tried to make excuses for it, saying it added
historical detail necessary for the reader to understand the time period. I
finally faced up to the fact that it didn’t really advance the plot; in fact, it
slowed it down. I could convey the necessary information in just a couple of
Stephen King calls
it “killing your darlings.” And that’s what it feels like, sometimes, but it’s
7. Biggest mistake
you've made as an author?
“Show, don’t tell.” It’s something that I’m working hard to
learn. With every book, I find a new area where I need to improve. Harsh
reviews may sting, but there’s often valuable insights into where your work can
be improved.
8. What would
the lead character of your latest novel want for Christmas?
Justin Thatcher is
the lead character in my latest novel, The
End of All Things, a romance set in a post-apocalyptic world. He’s very practical, so he’d probably
ask for a gun or canned foods.
9. Favorite Christmas
Carol of the Bells is my favorite Christmas song and my favorite
version of it is Christmas in Sarajevo
by the Trans-Siberian orchestra. Every time I hear it, It gives me chills.
10. What was the best
gift you ever received?
Gift cards for book
stores. It’s like giving me the universe in one small package. It gives me
travel to another time and place, new “friends” I’ll meet in the pages of a
novel, new ideas or new perspectives, and maybe —just maybe— what I read will
spark that question “What if…?” and my imagination will catch fire with a new
idea for a story of my own.
Contact: http://lissabryan.blogspot.com
To purchase: http://ph.thewriterscoffeeshop.com/books/detail/69
I think this givaway is great given the holiday season.
ReplyDeleteThere are so many great giveaways going on at this time of year. It's so hard to choose because they all have great gifts. What's a girl to do?
ReplyDeleteHappy Holidays!