1) What am I working on right now?
I always tend to have my hand in several fires at
once. At the moment I am preparing for the release of my seventh novel, Trust
(Finding Anna, Book 4) on March 20th. I'm also in the process of editing the
third book in my Daniels Brothers Series, Crossing The Line, which is due to be
released Fall 2014. Last, but not least, I've also started writing the first
book in a new BDSM erotic romance series. I'm hoping to have that one out to
readers the first part of 2015.
2) How does my work differ from others of its genre?
the years I've read a lot of romance novels. There are things I've read I've
loved, and others that have made me roll my eyes or want to bang my head
against a wall in frustration. I try to make the relationships I'm writing as
realistic as possible. This means I don't usually have my H and h falling into
bed with each other right off the bat. I'm writing a love story, not a
sex story. Although there's sex in my books...and sometimes detailed sex at
that...sex isn't the focus. I want my readers to be right there in the moment
with my characters as they expresses their feelings for each other physically.
3) Why do I write what I do?
I write what I like
to read. Luckily, there are plenty of readers out there who also enjoy the
kinds of stories I do.
writing process is pretty simple. It's me sitting in front of my computer and
typing whatever comes to my mind. When I sit down to write I usually have a vague
image of the characters and a scene. That's about it. Everything else unfolds
as I type it into the computer. Even if I think I know how a scene is going to
play out before I begin typing, it rarely ever turns out the way I thought it
would. All too often one of the characters throws a wrench in the works and the
scene ends up taking a turn I didn't see coming. I've learned to go with the flow
and let the characters lead the way. They've never steered me wrong yet.
To find out more about my books, check out my website.
Friday check out these authors as they share with us about their writing
surviving all manner of health obstacles while raising a family and nursing her
elderly grandmother—her writing namesake, though she’d have been shocked by her
granddaughter’s steamy love scenes—Elise established a career as a counselor
and family therapist. Seeking an escape from the stresses of her work, she
discovered the world of fan fiction, and her timid writer’s muse began to make
its voice heard. Two point three million hits, twelve and a half thousand
reviews, and an email from an acquisitions editor at The Writer's Coffee Shop
later, and Elise's life found a new and fascinating direction.
romantic fiction addict from way back, writing her own historical and
paranormal romances—and having others read and fall in love with her characters
and the worlds she creates—is a dream come true. Elise likes to see her
characters grow, experience passion and adventure, tackle some difficult
issues, and find lasting love . . . eventually.
To check out her blog, click here.
To check out her blog, click here.

I belong to the Romance Writers of America and Alberta Romance
Writer’s Association and
have attended many conventions. I have published – ”Hawk’s Gift“, ”Alberta Wild Rose“
- historical romance and - “One Dance
with a Stranger” - contemporary romance. I am an avid reader of all genres. I enjoy the
outdoors, history and travelling. My true passions are writing, exploring
both in western USA and Canada. I am presently working on two stories – ”Never Pick a Pretty Woman” – a contemporary
romance about the hardships someone might face being too pretty and an
inspirational romance -“Seraphim” - a
story of abuse, losing faith and circumstances that bring my heroine Delaney back
to both her religion and her faith in men.
To check out her blog, click here.
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